Refund policy
When you return an item, your refund and how your refund is issued may differ based on the condition of the item, how long you’ve had the item and how the item was purchased.
Most refunds are issued based on the payment method used at the time of purchase. In some cases, you may be offered an “Instant refund” option.
If you want to use your refund without waiting for your return to process, you can select the instant refund option, if it’s available. Instant refunds are refunded to your credit card, depending on the instant refund type you selected. You will still need to return your items within 30 days.
Payment Method | Refund Method | Refund Time (After Return Is Received) |
Credit Card | Instant Refund to Credit Card | Instant (See Note below) |
Credit Card | Instant Refund to Gift Card | Upon completion of the return request |
Note: Your refund request will be processed instantly. However, it may take 2-3 business days for it to display on your credit card statement.
If your original order was placed using the SoloBarolo Currency Converter, the refund will be issued in your local currency and will be calculated with the same rate used when you placed your order.
SoloBarolo may determine that a refund can be issued without requiring a return. If you aren’t required to mail your item back for a refund, you will be notified by a Customer Service Associate.
Gift Returns: The type of refund or credit you receive depends on how the gift was purchased and how it was returned. For more information about gift refunds, contact Customer Service Associate.
Late Refunds
You can check the status of your refund in Your Orders.
If your refund is not showing as refunded in Your Account, and the processing time for your payment method has passed, contact us for further assistance.
Note: After the carrier has received your item, it can take up to 2 weeks for us to receive and process your return.