The bouquet is fresh fruits with a touch of dusky spice. Hints of truffle as well as other classic champion of the Alba area can be recognised.
Intense garnet red which reminds a summer sunset.
The Cagliero Barolo Terlo taste is long, smooth and balanced. The tannins are integrated. It used to be said that Barolo was the king’s wine and the king of wines. Its name means elegance, a perfect union of structure, rich fragrance and unmistakable flavour, living up to its reputation with every bottle. It takes a long time for a bottle of Barolo to go from the cellar to the table. It must age for at least three years, dating from January 1, after its harvest. Two of those years must be spent in oaken aging barrels, as the wine matures and mellows.
This Barolo is the perfect wine for roasts, tasty cheeses, wild game, stews and grilled meats. Some zesty appetizers and highly seasoned pasta dishes are a good companion for Barolo. Should be served at 18° C.